Post-Doctoral Position on Open Dynamic Distributed Systems

The position is open within the Informatics & Automatics Departement of the Ecole des Mines de Douai (France). The post-doc will join the informatics research team which works on component-based engineering and re-engineering for distributed and embedded systems. Examples of targeted applications are related to terrestrial transport systems, mobile robotics, and distributed computing.

Open Dynamic Distributed Systems is among topics we are interested in as part of the VerySmallTalk Project. By “Open” we mean a system that bears the addition of new devices or the deployment of new software. Characteristics of added devices or hardware are not known by system designers. Openness is also related to topology and characteristics of networks connecting devices. By “Dynamic” we mean systems that may evolve in a non-anticipated manner at run-time. New devices may join the system during its functioning. Symmetrically, a device being part of the system may “disappear” because of a failure, or a disconnection decided by a user. Moreover, changes occurring at run-time may affect also software and communication networks.

The post-doc will be assigned the study and the development of a software platform for open distributed systems. This platform will be assessed using concrete applications related to the VerySmalltalk project and particularly to scientific computing. The scientific computing application example is to be built for colleagues from the department of civil and environmental engineering (CEE). The starting point of this application is a set of scientific software that compute material physical properties. These software were developed in C by people from the CEE and partners and weren’t meant to interact initially. The targeted platform should allow to address this issue and allow users to make computations involving at least two softwares. For instance, a hydration software may collaborate through the platform with an elasticity software in order to compute the evolution of elasticity according to hydration.

The platform to develop is actually a new version of UbiquiTalk. We target a two layered architecture. The lower layer is service-oriented and developed using software components. The higher layer is a Multi-Agents System. Agents, are built by assembling components provided by the lower-level of the platform.

Candidates should owe a PhD in a topic related to the position and particularly software engineering, distributed systems, or multi-agent systems. Mastering OO programming is mandatory.

The position is for 18 months.

Application letters and a CV should be sent till 18 of may 2007 to :
Ecole des Mines de Douai
Département Informatique et Automatique
941, Rue Charles Bourseul – BP 10838
59508 DOUAI Cedex

or by email to: hasbroucq AT ensm-douai DOT fr

For further information, please contact: Dr. Noury BOURAQADI (bouraqadi AT ensm-douai DOT fr)

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